Prickly pear smoothie bowl
Frukost,  Glutenfritt

Prickly pear smoothie bowl

Prickly pear smoothie bowl, have you tried it? If not, you really should. These beautiful little creations are not only gorgeous, but delicious. Such as prickly pear smoothie bowl.

I got a few questions about prickly pears, when I posted on Instagram. Just like the cactus, prickly pears have little hairs on them, that can stick you. Although they are easily removed with a damp cloth. Prickly pears are ripe when they are yellow, dark pink or orange. It’s sweet, like a hybrid between watermelon and yellow kiwi. As you understand it’s a wonderful addition to your breakfast table. Like a prickly pear smoothie bowl.

I also made jam from it, and it’s a perfect companion to any cheese platter. But for the prickly pear smoothie bowl, hollow out the fruit pulp and put in the freezer.

[lt_recipe name=”Prickly pear smoothie bowl” servings=”2″ prep_time=”5M” cook_time=”10M” total_time=”15M” difficulty=”Easy” summary=”Perfect smoothie bowl with homemade granola for breakfast.” print=”yes” image=”” ingredients=”100 gr frozen prickly pear;6 tbs coconut milk;30 gr frozen blueberries (save some for topping);1 tbsp coconut flakes;50 gr granola;;;;;;” ]Mix the frozen prickly pear, coconut milk and frozen blueberries until smooth. ;Pour into a bowl and top with granola, coconut flakes and frozen blueberries. ;[/lt_recipe]



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