mother's day cake

Awesome Mother’s day cake – a cake for mama

Need to make a mother’s day cake tomorrow. In Sweden, it’s mother’s day tomorrow and if you haven’t already planned your mother’s day cake it’s time now. I’m going to give you the easiest recipe ever. You can’t fail with this, I promise. It’s even child-friendly – as in even your kids can do it. Because let’s be honest, as a mother myself it’s wonderful to get a treat that is not made me.


Cheating with not baking from scratch

As much as I like baking everything from scratch, I realise not everyone wants to do just that or has the time to bake a Mother’s day cake from scratch. This cake is one of those good cakes to make for any occasion really. It is that quick and simple.

Picking flowers

For this cake, I used mint leaves and seasonal eatable flowers that you can easily find outside. They grow pretty much everywhere outside where you can find wildflowers. I picked clovers, chamomile and daisies. It’s very pretty and the effort of picking your own flowers will be much appreciated. Just make sure there are no bugs or such on them.

Pro tips

  • If you want to add a little more flavour and ”realness” to your strawberry mousse. Try adding whipping cream and dried strawberries. It will taste a little creamier and more strawberry like.
  • Or slice the strawberries in thin slices and add them on top of mousse filling.
  • If the store bought cake rounds are little too dry, brush them lightly with a mixture of vanilla, icing sugar and water.

Strawberry mousse cake

Caroline Vass
A super simple strawberry mousse cake that is done in about 15 minutes. 
5 från 1 röst
Förberedelser 5 minuter
Tillagningstid 10 minuter
Total tid 15 minuter
Måltid Dessert
Kök Scandinavian
Kalorier 190 kcal


  • 1 box cake rounds usually 3 in a package
  • 100 gr Strawberry mousse powder
  • 200 gr Milk
  • 100 gr whipping cream
  • 30 gr dried strawberries or fresh ones
  • 25 gr lime or lemon curd
  • 25 gr strawberry jam


  • Start by mixing the strawberry mousse powder with the milk and let it sit while you beat the whipping cream.
  • Mix the whipping cream with the strawberry mousse and cover the bottom cake sponge. Add the dried strawberries and mix it together.
  • Place the middle sponge on top of the bottom one. Spread the lime curd on the top and the spread the strawberry jam on top of it. 
  • Place the last sponge on top of the middle one and cover with the remaining strawberry mousse. Cover the whole cake with a spatula and decorate with fresh flowers. 
Keyword mousse cake, simple cake, strawberry

Baking from scratch

On the other hand, if you want to make your own cake, you can make these coconut sponges instead. The strawberry and coconut marry well. And if you want to make your own cake filling you can check out the recipe for this chocolate cake.

If you want to make something easy but still do it from scratch these bakery style raspberry muffins will get you at least a hug and kiss.

Either way, happy Mother’s day to all you wonderful mama’s out there!

mother's day cake


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