Coconut ombre layer cake

Coconut layered ombre cake

Coconut layered ombre cake, it does sound delicious, doesn’t it? I made this layered level cake for my niece and nephew’s 1st birthday.

However, it turns out the coconut layered ombre cake makes a great Easter cake too. It will surely impress your guests and make them want to crave for more. And instead of using golden sprinkles you can use Easter decorations.

It is as you can see the coconut layered ombre cake is a little tricky to make. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be fine. I’ll walk you through it. Now, let’s get started.

Cake Sizes

If you want to make, this only layered that’s fine too. Make sure you bake six equally large cakes then. However, do not use a larger springform pan than 26 cm. (10,2 inches) Easiest is to use is disposable aluminium forms.

I do not have six springform pans. Therefore I first baked those. And once the cakes cooled down a little, I washed them and used them for the other three cakes.

Different texture

Using the chopped coconut flakes give the cakes an exciting feel and also adds a little moist.

Tips and tricks

Patience is the key to make this coconut ombre layered cake. You need to let the cakes cool. If you make them the day before and cover them in plastic, it’s even better. To stabilise the cake use a little frosting on the bottom of the cake. Make sure that the coating is cold and has had a bit of a rest in the fridge too. It makes it easier to frost the cake.


Layered coconut ombre cake

Caroline Vass
Beautiful and delicious layered coconut ombre level cake. It will surely impress your guests at any party! 
Förberedelser 1 timme 50 minuter
Tillagningstid 10 minuter
Total tid 2 timmar
Måltid Dessert
Portioner 12 people
Kalorier 340 kcal



3 spring or aluminum forms - 16, 24 and 26 cm.

  • 187 gr butter plus some extra for the springforms
  • 350 ml dairy free milk or regular milk
  • 7 eggs
  • 450 gr sugar
  • 5 lemons
  • 1 tbs lemon aroma
  • 3 tbs baking powder
  • 210 gr shredded coconut plus some extra for the springforms
  • 1,5 tbs vanilla powder
  • 1 bottle yellow caramel colour
  • 1 bottle red caramel colour


  • 400 gr cream cheese
  • 150 gr butter
  • 100 gr icing sugar
  • 1 tbs lemon aroma
  • 1 tbs lemon juice
  • 1 tbs lemon zest


  • 300 gr white chocolate
  • 400 ml whipped cream
  • 1-2 drips yellow caramel colour


Flowers, I used Ranunculus and baby's breath, golden sprinkles.


  • Put the oven to 175 C/fan.
  • Grease the spring/ aluminium forms with butter and powder with shredded coconut. Either you make six equal in size or like I did, two of each size.
  • Melt butter and add the milk. Leave to cool. 
  • Whip the eggs with the sugar, until thick, white and creamy. 
  • Mix flour, baking powder, vanilla powder, coconut flakes in a different bowl. 
  • Sift flour mixture gently into egg mixture. 
  • Blend the colours to get the shading you want in a little white cup. 
  • Divide the batter equally into six mixing bowls. Then colour as you wish.  Either you make the cakes equal in size, or you make them levelled. If you want six layers that are equal in size, I would recommend you to get six aluminium foil forms. 
  • Pour the batter into the forms and bake in the middle of the oven for about 10 minutes. Let the cakes cool after taking them out of the oven. 


  • Melt the chocolate over a bain-marie.
  • Whip the cream hard and add 1-2 drops of yellow caramel colour. It should only be a hint of yellow. Mix it gently with the melted chocolate. 


  • Mix cream cheese, icing sugar and butter until smooth and fluffy. Add the lemon zest, lemon juice and lemon aroma. 


  • Start by spreading the filling on each cake. Stack cakes on top of each other. If you want, you can use a flower stick to support the cake. Stick in the middle of the cake. Put the cake in the fridge for about 10-15 min to make sure that the cake is stable. 
  • Frost the cake and decorate as you see fit. 


Coconut layered ombre cake



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