chocolate toffee cookies

Chocolate toffee cuts

I know not everyone loves chocolate. However, after trying these chocolate toffee cookies you will be turned. They are crunchy, yet they are chewy because of the toffee. They also disappear very quickly I noticed. Last time I didn’t even have time to taste them. They were all gone.

This recipe for chocolate toffee cookies come from one of my idols, the Eisenman sisters. Their cookbook,” Sommarens söta” Which in English is ”Sweets’ of Summer”.

It’s such a wonderful cookbook. And it was also one of my first that I ever bought. Each and every recipe is truly delicious. They have an American heritage which is very noticeable throughout the book.  It’s very nicely woven together with their Swedish heritage.

With their permission, of course, the chocolate toffee cookie recipe is below.

Chocolate Toffee cookies – how to succeed

  • If you feel that the dough doesn’t really come together add a little bit of cold water. Then let it rest in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Ovens are different, therefore baking times can vary. Depending on that the baking time can vary between 15-20 min. Keep an eye on the roll.
  • You must cut into pieces while it’s still hot. Otherwise, you will end up with one huge roll.
  • You can use chocolate sauce to drizzle on top if you don’t want to melt the chocolate.
chocolate toffee cuts

Chocolate toffee cookies

Caroline Vass
These chocolate toffee cookies melt in your mouth. Yet it has a delightful crunch. They are simple to make and make a double batch. They will disappear quickly!
Förberedelser 10 minuter
Tillagningstid 20 minuter
Total tid 30 minuter
Måltid Dessert
Kök Scandinavian, Swedish
Portioner 16 cookies
Kalorier 113 kcal


  • 125 gr butter soft
  • 100 gr sugar brown
  • 2 tbsp syrup light
  • 300 gr flour
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 1 tsp powdered vanilla
  • 50 gr melted chocolate for topping


  • Heat the oven to 175 C/fan.
  • Mix butter and sugar until fluffy. Set aside. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix with the butter.
  • Form the cookie dough into a flat roll. Put the roll on a fitted sheet. Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 min. 
  • Let it cool for a couple of minutes. Cut the length into 16 cuts. They should be about 2 centimetres. Leave to cool.
  • Melt the chocolate and drizzle over the cookie cuts.
Keyword chocolate, cookies, quick and easy, toffee

Are you an avid chocolate lover too? Then maybe the Devil’s chocolate cake might something for you? It’s also inspired by the Eisenman sisters.


chocolate toffee cookies

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