Morotssoppa – en smakrik höstmiddag
Morotssoppa var ett recept som tillkom när jag insåg att jag hade en massa morötter kvar i den undre lådan i kylskåpet. Det kanske är någon annan som känner igen sig i det? Nu håller förvisso morötter ganska länge i kylen men ändå. Den är enkel och verkligen god. Mångsidig morot Morötter är verkligen en grönsak som jag använder i mycket. Som bas i en tomatsås, men också i en tomatsoppa. Eller varför inte prova en galet god morotshummus? Förvara morötter Väldigt ofta har jag också morotspuré i frysen. Jag rostar ett gäng morötter i ugnen och gör puré av dem. Jag lägger sedan purén i fryspåsar, plattar till och tar ut vid…
Knaperstekt kyckling med potatis och halloumi
Knaperstekt kyckling är en vardagsrätt som ofta är i vår veckomeny. Efter att ha provat denna en gång så förstår du varför. Dels är knaperstekt kyckling otroligt lätt att laga, att variera, tar hand om sig själv i ugnen och så vansinnigt god. Vardagsmat Jag älskar att laga mat och står gärna i köket. Men vardagsmat är ganska stressigt för mig också. Därför tar jag gärna genvägar utan att för den sakens skull kompromissa varken kvalitet eller smak. Nummer ett är bra råvaror, punkt. Detta är det som påverkar din mat absolut mest och är det som du kan inte ska kompromissa bort. Nummer två är att hitta på recept som sköter sig…
When life calls for Tortano
I love bread. I could live off good quality bread. Dip in olive oil and be done. If you are anything like me, you’ll love Greek Tortano. All the best flavours in one bread. You can almost smell it right? How to make Tortano The first time I made Tortano it was a complete mess. It ended up not being a wreath. But instead a big blob. Tasty perhaps, but a blob none the less. I have since made it many times. And it does taste better when baked properly. I will teach how to make it. So that you can get it right from the beginning. It’s all about the right ingridients…
Food waste as a cause
We are quite good in Sweden when it comes to food waste. People, in general, are quite aware of the problem and try to solve it. There are tv shows dedicated to the subject, books written and social movements. Good as in there are a few options available should you want to contribute to reduce food waste. Matsmart is one of them. Sponsored content Matsmart Food waste is a moral dilemma Food waste is a problem in our household to be honest. Mainly because of of the fact that we are seven people one week and only two the other week. But I have a new system. I shop at matsmart, I can…
How to throw a last minute Halloween party
To throw a last minute Halloween party doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, I’m giving away my greatest tips for you. If you follow my last minute Halloween party guide you will be on your way to Halloween stardom. Pinning is easy If you are anything like me, you start looking at Pinterest boards in July, set the date in August and start looking for decorations as soon as they hit the stores. Then you start to plan. This is going to be the most awesome Halloween party ever. The kids are going to have so much fun! We are going to have matching costumes. This is going to be so much fun!…
Jack O’Lantern stuffed peppers
Jack O’Lantern stuffed peppers are the perfect addition to your Halloween party. They are easy to make, a little creepy and yet delicious to eat. These Jack O’lantern stuffed peppers are vegetarian, however, you can fill them with anything you like. I fill my Jack O’Lantern stuffed peppers with couscous and cheese. The key is to season the couscous well. And the parmesan cheese just makes everything a little bit better. Different fillings It’s really simple to play around with different fillings to accompany your Jack O’Lantern stuffed peppers. Minced meat, rice or why not both? Just make sure you cook everything before you fill your Jack O’Lantern stuffed peppers. I tried one batch with red rice.…
Roasted heirloom tomato soup
You know those days when you get home from picking up your kids from school? When you get home and you realise that you don’t have the energy to cook? Ever have those days? Those days what saves me is the roasted heirloom tomato soup. It’s a damn delicious roasted tomato soup. This season they were able to soak up the sun and they taste sweet. Close to perfection I say. Seasonal Food I love the food that is in season now. All the beautiful colours and they taste different too. There is something beautiful about the food that has been able to grow and mature during the warm summer months. Like gorgeous…
How to host a crayfish party – and why you should
West Bothnia Cheese pie or Västerbottenost paj as we call it in Sweden. Is a must at every crayfish party. The characteristics of the West Bothnia Cheese makes it especially delicious for this pie. It’s silky smooth inside and crisp outside will make you want to eat this pie often. Crayfish party September is usually the month to have a crayfish party. The shellfish season has begun. This means Swedes gather their friends to eat crayfish and West Bothnia Cheese pie. Well not only, but it’s the most important part. Friendships and sharing food It also means hanging out with your friends. Sharing good food with good friends is truly the key to a long…
Sweet potato jacket in the oven
I made a post on my Instagram this week about hell hour. Let’s continue down that road. Because let’s face it, school just started. We have a long way until Christmas break. Sweet potato jackets bake themselves in the oven. The topping takes about 5 minutes to do. That leaves you being able to do whatever else you want to do until the oven clock rings. Sweet potato jacket not only bakes itself in the oven, which gives you time to do something else. It is also a great source for getting your daily dose of vitamin A. And it's delicious too! Sweet potato jacket While not really related to the ”normal” potato they…
Shakshuka -Middle eastern quick food
Shakshuka is my favourite Middle Eastern go-to meal. It’s quick, it’s very flavourful and all it takes is 20 minutes. And if you have eggs and tomato sauce you have your base. I would say that’s pretty damn perfect. Shakshuka – what? I always mispronounce this and call it Shakshukra and my son calls it Shakira. However, you want to pronounce it – I really urge you to try it. Traditionally the recipe requires Harissa, which is a hot chilli paste. Usually, it has a smoky flavour. I didn’t have Harissa at home. Therefore I switched it up a little. Onion, tomato and garlic serve as a base in this recipe. Which incidentally is the base…