chocolate brioche
Bröd,  Efterrätt,  mjuka kakor & bullar

Brioche filled with chocolate

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There is something magical about Christmas and chocolate, isn’t it? And there’s no Christmas without brioche bread either. These two go very well together. Brioche is always on my list of things to bake for Christmas or any other holiday really.

Or use it as a Hamburger bun, or, wait I’m getting ahead of myself now.

I grew up with something called, Kalács which is the Hungarian version of Brioche. And of course, I had to make my own version.

You make it with chocolate or simply follow the recipe and omit the chocolate and you have a ”normal” brioche. It’s good whichever way you like it.

In Hungary, we eat it with butter and acacia honey. At least we do so in my family. However, this chocolate version is best served with some butter and flaked salt.

If, and I say if you by any chance have some bread left for a couple of days. The somewhat dry bread makes a mean French Toast.

chocolate brioche

Chocolate Brioche

Caroline Vass
Airy, melt in your mouth brioche with big bites of chocolate.
Förberedelser 10 minuter
Tillagningstid 12 minuter
Resting time 1 timme 40 minuter
Måltid Breakfast
Kök French, hungarian
Portioner 2 loafs


  • 25 gr fresh yeast
  • 150 gr butter at room temperature
  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 litre flour plus extra for dusting
  • 4 eggs 1 one for brushing
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 30 gr sugar
  • 6-8 pieces of chocolate balls like the one from Lindt


  • Whisk butter, eggs and sugar creamy
  • Heat milk to 37 degrees and crumble the yeast in a large bowl and pour the warm milk over and stir until it dissolves.
  • Mix in the butter mixture with the milk and yeast. Add half the flour and mix, add the rest of the flour. The dough should be a bit sticky.
  • Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel and leave it for 1H to rise.
  • Use some more flour if you need, but the dough should be a little sticky still, but not too sticky so it sticks to your hands. Shape into about 20 balls, about the size of a golf ball.
  • Place the dough balls in a bread pan. It should be two rows, each row should contain about 5 dough balls. Let it rest for about 40 minutes. Or until they have almost doubled in size.
  • Heat the oven to 220 degrees C/fan.
  • Whisk the egg and brush the loaves with the egg and put one chocolate ball into the first two balls of dough on each side.
  • Bake them in the middle of the oven for about 12 minutes. Take them out when they are golden.


If all the ingeridents are at room temperature the outcome will be a lot better. Otherwise the bread might en up cracking. Every oven is different, please make sure you look at the brioche when it’s in the oven. It can go very fast and the crust gets burn. If you see the crust getting very golden and there’s still a lot of time left, lower the temperature and open the oven door a little bit. You might have to add an additional minute or two upon the existing time. 
Keyword bread, brioche, chocolate, sweet bread

Tips and tricks to get the best brioche

Don’t be put off by it’s resting time. It’s well worth the wait. Once you master it, you’ll want to make a lot. There are few tips and tricks to this. Firstly, make sure that all the ingredients are at room temperature. Second, take your time with adding the flour, lastly, don’t knead too much, because the brioche becomes quite dry. Make sure that you let the dough rise where it’s warm and there’s no draft. If you have room on top of your oven you can let it rise there. Or some other place where it’s warm.


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